Studying abroad is not a mean feat, specifically when it comes to expenses. The UK is one of the most popular choices for international students, but it is also one of the most expensive countries from a living cost perspective. Of course, you may save a bit on university fees with scholarships and funding. But rent, transport, food, and entertainment expenses can burn a hole in your budget.

However, you can do your bit to cut the cost of living as an international student in the UK. Everything boils down to being frugal, but there’s a difference between mindset and action. Knowing exactly what to do to save money is far more helpful than just committing to frugal living. In this post, we will share a few practical measures for saving money every day and easing your academic experience as an international student in the country.


Student discounts are the best place to start when it comes to saving cash as an international student. Fortunately, you can find them at many places in the UK, from restaurants to gyms, high street stores, cinemas, and galleries. Even online subscription platforms like Spotify give student discounts, so explore your options sooner than later.


Nothing saves you more money than shopping smart, right? Check the best low-cost supermarkets in your area. Stores like Morrisons, Lidl, or Aldi are student-friendly, and one can pick the basic weekly supplies for as little as £20-30. Besides choosing the right grocery stores, you can buy in bulk. But remember to pick only the essentials. Shopping at store closing times is also a good way to save while you spend.


Besides shopping smart, you can buy some things second-hand to make hefty savings. Textbooks, furniture, household items, and clothes are the best examples of second-hand stuff international students can easily pick. Amazon, eBay, and AbeBooks are the best places to pick second-hand textbooks. You can also buy other used things online or at charity shops at a fraction of the price.


Another piece of money-saving advice for international students is to cook their meals instead of ordering food. You can save at least hundreds of pounds per academic year by honing your culinary skills. Check recipes online if you are an absolute beginner. Batch cooking is a good option for time-pressed students as it lets them save time and money. Moreover, you have a meal ready after a long day by cooking in batches during weekends.


Being eco-conscious is a great thing, and it is even better if you are an international student in the UK looking to save some money. Cutting back on the energy in your apartment can help you save a hefty sum on energy bills every year. You can rely on auto-timers and smart meters to track and warm your usage. Another good way to do it is by keeping cosy- dress up warmly, consume hot drinks, and have a hot water bottle at hand.


Accommodation is the biggest student expense, but you can save a lot by haggling on rent. Choose the right type of accommodation according to your budget, research prices, compare them, and negotiate with the landlord to get the best deal. You may pay a bit more if the place is close to the university as you can save commute costs by walking to classes daily. You can also negotiate a discount when the lease is up for renewal.


Another good way to save money as an international student in the UK is by investing in Travel Cards. You can buy discounted longer-term passes for trams and underground. Check for weekly or monthly discounted passes on your regular bus routes. Walking short distances can keep you fit and add up your savings in the long run.

Saving money as an international student in the UK is easier than you imagine. Be frugal, use common sense, and follow these tips to stretch your monthly budgets. You will be surprised by how much you can save!

If you are considering studying abroad why don’t you discuss your prospects and opportunities with experts at Lurnable’s dedicated study abroad counselling division LurnPathways?

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